Tamsin Smyth | Lead Creative | Tedhead Creative

Teach kids to be discerning and navigate risks

Growing up in the 80s in Melbourne I faced the issues around drug culture head on. It was a time when drug use was almost considered par for the course; expected. That lack of understanding and discernment meant that many kids in my community developed life-threatening addictions and illnesses. Those that extricated themselves mostly did so on their own.

Then along came the drug Methamphetamine. It’s addictiveness is instantaneous, and its ability to permanently damage the brain and health of kids is proven. Not to mention the changes in personality & temperament, and the destruction of relationships.

D-force is a ground-breaking, collaborative, games-based educational initiative that not only gives kids the understanding they require to navigate the new threats, but also involves them in finding solutions. And it just may change a generation for the better.

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